Let’s Join the KPi6er Revolution

  • A distanza

Don't go away!

If there are currently no positions that match your skills, take a moment to read more about us and fill out the following form to submit a spontaneous application.

We are always looking for people who share our vision of life and work!

We are a hierarchy-free company, applying a self-managed organizational model inspired by Holacracy and Teal Organization, and we use OKRs. Everyone is personally responsible for achieving goals and, consequently, for their own and the company's success.

We believe in the power of the individual and their ability to perform at their full potential in a self-managed context. Our culture is based on the values outlined in our Culture Deck, which every KPI6 team member feels is their own and applies:

  • Individual freedom and responsibility
  • Focus on personal growth and development
  • Courage, curiosity, and innovation
  • Continuous feedback and knowledge sharing
  • A pragmatic and ambitious results-oriented approach

KPI6 promotes an environment of maximum work flexibility. Each team member can decide when, how much, and from where to work, a freedom that must still be exercised considering interdependencies with other internal roles and external stakeholders.

A KPI6er has specific skills that we look for in people, even more than technical skills:

  • Entrepreneurship, autonomy, and integrity of the Entrepreneur;
  • Creativity, antifragility, and flexibility of the Voyager;
  • Humility, transparency, and results-orientation of the Performer;
  • Proactivity, feedback, and empathy of the Hacktivist;
  • Team spirit and discipline of the Athlete.

We have a strong interest in the marketing, advertising, and tech sectors, particularly LLM and Artificial Intelligence. We speak fluent English, have strong extracurricular passions, and have great respect for others, nature, and animals.

Open Slack channels, entrepreneurship workshops, internal knowledge-sharing tools; every person contributes to creating a human-centric corporate identity.

Now it's your turn! Show us what you're worth and tell us why you feel you should be part of the KPI6er Revolution!